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About Tarot Room

Tarot Room contains your personal Portrait psychic details, including reading trends, last saved reading, last recommended spell and unique birthday tarot information you must know to help with your life path. The following are frequently asked questions.


Update by clicking on the Eye in your Portrait above your picture. You can also view the settings under Support main menu and Tarot Account submenu. Insight comments are made either private or public when submitting.
  • Public setting will allow any member to view Portrait, Chart and Saved Readings.
  • Premium members can set Portrait and Chart to an all private setting.
  • Your mini-portrait information will be visible to everyone (nickname, sign, membership information and stats).
  • Reading insights are set manually with each reading as designated.
  • Everyone’s Portrait is made public by default but the member can change this based on whether they are a Basic or Premium member.
Not at this time, but coming soon: Select the guide and check "block". To unblock anyone, go to guides and select filter for blocked guides, find guide and unblock. Please use the Contact Us form to if you need assistance with blocking a guide by providing their portrait details and the issue.
No. We do not display or provide any personal information such as email address or phone to anyone.
Yes. Your own Tarot Insights on personal readings can be made public or private. Public notes can be viewed by anyone who is not blocked. No one can view private insight notes except you. Tarot Insights between you and guide can only be seen by both of you.

Tarot Readings and Decks

Click on the Other Tarot Card Reading under Tarot Reading to use other decks. The deck author interpretation will be displayed; however we will proved a special Tarot Room take on your overall impression, special reading and email reading capability for Premium Members. Select the deck on top, then the layout; Celtic Cross or Quick Reading and click on “Start Reading”.
Under main navigation Tarot Reading then select the Explore Decks submenu. Choose from the several decks on top, select the Explore Deck layout and click View Cards. Click once to layout the cards and another time to reveal the cards. The information for each card as written by the author of the deck will be displayed for each card selected.

Click on any picture to view the larger card, the main card reading and signifier as written by the author of the deck. Select 'Reverse' to view its reverse meaning. Note that not all authors will provide a reverse meaning.

Access Explore Decks. Select a card and click on email to a friend. Make an entry and send the card. They will receive a picture of the card, the main and signifier meaning and your special note.
Ask for Guide help from the insights area at the bottom of reading, or portrait. This will open the Guides (which can also be found under Connections) area. Find a guide and then click on the row. Enter a note above the guide box and click on Share with Selected Guide. An email is sent to the Guide and a comment shows up in your Portrait. In addition, these requests show on the top banner. Premium members seeking tarot insights will be placed on top of the insight showcase. Basic members will show after all Premium members.


The trend is calculated based on the 1, 3, 6, 12 month or all time. Must have a minimum of 10 readings in the last month. Trend varies by time period. Basic members only have a 3 month view, while Premium members can view all time.
The chart contains a marker for every saved tarot reading. Click on the reading marker to view the entire saved reading. View insights and request for guides to seek advice.


Under Tarot Room select Portrait to update public tarot information including Image, nickname, mood, experience, tarot insight, horoscope, birthday and gender. Change the drop downs and then click on Save Portrait.To update account details, access Tarot Account under Support. You can view your membership type and level and also update your email address, email preference, location, first and last name. Make sure to click SAVE PORTRAIT button when done.
Both your portrait and mini-profile contain your picture, nickname, astrological sign, gender, tarot knowledge, mood, life experience and location. Portrait also contains your last reading, your chart trend, and insight comments from guides.
Not at this time but soon Premium members can feature any reading.
If you logged in using a social media account, your picture will automatically be posted in Tarot Room. You can change this picture by accessing your Portrait page, click on the update icon in the corner of your picture and upload a new image.
Hover over the guide's picture anywhere in TarotRoom to view a person's mini-portrait.

Birthday Tarot

A tarot birth card is determined based on your birth date. The energy of the tarot card defines who you are as a person. There are several elements that can be derived from your Tarot Birthday card. We will know things that will never change from birth to death, no matter what happens in your life. We provide your overall energy based on your birthdate. In addition you will find the following:
  • Element: Which element you control and obtain power from; Earth, Air, Fire or Water.
  • Influence: Is a character of your strength.
  • Ruled by: Which planet is favored by you. When your planet is closest to earth, then things are better for you.
  • Powers: Include your best or lucky color, metal, precious stone, day of the week and number. Once you know these they can be used for your advantage because they are position.
  • Qualities: These are social qualities that people around you respect you for.
  • Compatible: Lists astrologcical signs for which you would be compatible with.
  • Less compatible: Lists signs that based on your birthdate personality are ones you should avoid.
  • Attracted to: Lists signs of people that you are usually attracted to, may not be the best, make sure they are also compatible as that is the best combination. If they are not in either less or more compatible you may have a very interesting, unpredictable and fun relationship.
Access from the main navigation and select Tarot Birthday. Make sure to your correct birthday and month is saved in your Portrait page to get an accurate analysis.