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Our Magic


Information discovered during a reading provides opportunity for solutions. Our magic solutions: spells, potions, talismans contain authentic ingredients used as remedies that originated from ancient Egypt, to Pagan, Jewish and other traditions.

Our Tarot Reader provides advice for what is represented in the cards, and recommends aroma therapy incantations that spread good karma and easy for anyone to perform. Our spells contain everything needed to hold these peaceful and meditative rituals. SpellSpace products are benevolent and only use positive energy ingredients to maintain a good aura within our site, services, products and community. Thus, we do not provide hex spells or use ingredients, traditions or elements known to be used for evil, to hinder or harm anyone or thing. No need to worry about the three-fold law because we do not seek negative retribution on anyone or thing with our magic.

Nothing Nasty

Thus, we do not provide hex spells or use ingredients, traditions or elements known to be used for evil, to hinder or harm anyone or thing. No need to worry about the three-fold law because we do not seek negative retribution on anyone or thing with our magic. Our spells focus on what Mother Nature and the Universe offers us. The female is very highly regarded because of the fertile, psychic and peaceful elements that exude her.

Pay Attention to the Moon

There are some spells, which work best when there is a full or new moon, and if so, the instructions will indicate such. Our potions are only created when there are either a full or new moon, and we surround the environment with Myrrh to ensure potency. We use quality items and genuine rituals to maintain authenticity. We must caution users to be certain about casting a spell, especially as it relates to love and wealth. Be absolutely sure that it is your desire and are willing to accept all consequences. Protection and Psychic spells are always good for any reason.


A final disclaimer, required by the civil World we live in. TarotRoom by Spell Space, Inc. does not make any representations or guarantees and you use our products and services at your own risk.